Lyrics That Healed Me: Fall Out Boy Edition

I have a confession, I may be stuck in 2005. Yes back when iPods were a lot bigger, Rhapsody was still a thing, and I spent hours on end listening to a song I didn't know by a band I didn't know on repeat.

That band was Fall Out Boy.

Fast forward to the present and that obsession only grew over time. What still keeps me a Fall Out Boy stan in 2K18?

That's right, ladies and gentleman, the lyrics.

I'm a word nerd, which you probably know by now, since I do the writing thing. But something about someone who can just...word *heart eyes*

Some lyrics just stick with you forever. Let's look at some of the Fall Out Boy lyrics that actually helped me get through some rough times.


"You are what you love, not who loves you"

This lyric was majorly important in a time where I made a decision to distance myself from toxic people for my own mental health. However, toxic people rarely see it this way and use many manipulation tactics to make you feel unlovable. This lyric was my mantra for a good year.


"Put on Your War Paint"

Another long used mantra of mine. When I was nervous or about to walk into a stressful situation, I could just say, "Quinzel, it's time to put on your war paint" and I was ready to go.


"I Don't Just Want To Be A Footnote in Someone Else's Happiness"

While the song is mainly about an extramarital affair, being a footnote in someone else's happiness can apply to many different situations. This lyric was a wake-up call for me and helped me nope out of a lot of one-sided relationships.


"Before It Gets Better The Darkness Gets Bigger The Person That You'd Take A Bullet For Is Behind The Trigger"

As painful as this lyric is, there's something refreshing when your feelings are put into words. When dealing with betrayal of any kind, it can be hard to access your feelings besides hurt and anger. This lyric made me feel less alone.


"May The Bridges That I Burn Light The Way Back Home"

Mmm, yes. Toxic people I have walked away from took it as my Walk of Shame. Quinzel will be back. Quinzel can't survive on her own. She doesn't wanna burn her bridges with us.

Well, guess what, bitches? I got matches.


"I'm A Stitch Away From Making It And And A Scar Away From Falling Apart"

At times I feel simultaneously ok and not ok. I feel like I'm so close to the finish line but I cannot take on another boss fight I'm tired and determined. I'm discouraged but riding on faith all at the same time.

And I can feel not ok and everything still feel ok. Ya know?


So there you have it. Been loving Fall Out Boy for over a decade and quite loving the heck out of the lyrics. Are there any Fall Out Boy lyrics that I didn't list here that healed you? What other lyrics from other bands have healed you? Sound off and leave us a comment