Natural? What is Natural. For me Natural wasn't a well thought out plan, a choice, or a dare. I didn't weigh pros and cons, think about my big chop daily, or ask friends about it. It came about in a rather matter-of-fact type of way.
I had micro braids put in my hair. My relaxed hair. When it came time to take them out, I discovered that the girl who put them in wasn't as compentent as I originally though. I had mass clumpy tangled hair, that was in noway going to untangle. My hair dresser suggested I go natural. I am glad that I did. She cut my hair so that an inch or two was maybe left around. She put it in little divided curls and sent me on my way.
I am a product of my upbringing. That is to say, that I always thought in order to be pretty, Long hair must be had. For example:
I was always taught I had "bad hair" That I needed to straighten it within an inch of its life for it to be okay.
That is not the case any longer.
I love being natural. There is an ease with it, that I have never experienced in my life with my hair. I get up, wash my hair, pick it out and go.
The reason why I started this blog is that, I want to show other girls out there, that it is okay to be natural, while discovering new tricks and secrets along the way. For right now, I use olive oil to moisturise my hair, and Suave conditioner in the shower. I want to learn how to do new things weith my hair, and learn to love and completely accept it. I still have my days where I miss the length and the straightness, But I am not giving up.