The first day back.
Today is my first day back to school from winter vacation. I miss winter vacation already. Is that sad?
I want to thank everyone that commented on my last entry . It has been rough going over here. I know that i desparately need to protective style my hair. After I get done with this entry, I am going to go ahead and bust out the two strand twists. I am so sick of my hair feeling this way. This weekend I plan on doing a henna gloss that Tasha from Belle Butters uses. You can see her youtube video of it here. I actually have some time today before class (I have one class in the evening from 6-8:50; the rest of my classes are online), so I may actually lovingly part my hair and be precise with the twists. Have any of you ever added hair to your two strand twists? I thought about doing that. I thought that might be cute. If you have any tips, ideas, or thoughts on it, let me know.
In other hair news, I have been using a tangle teezer. I have seen a lot of the vlogs on youtube talking about it, and decided to get my hands on one. I will be doing a review about it this week.
I hope everyone is staying warm and keeping some love on your hair!
It just isn’t feeling right.
My hair that is. For the past couple of days, it has looked stringy, felt itchy, and just.. it hasn't been in a good place.
I wondered if I had a lot of buildup by chance. I hadn't shampoo'd my hair in a long while. I usually just co-wash.
Last night I washed using Skala shampoo, and conditioned using my normal Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. I left the conditioner on there whilst I showered up. I rinsed my hair, dried it (just enough so that it wasn't dripping everywhere), detangled using my new Tangle Teezer (that will be another entry for another day), and applied my usual Belle Butters Matcha Green Tea whipped shea butter. I woke up this morning and my hair feels and looks better, but it is not up to it's normal feel. I think it might be the winter taking it's toll on my head. I might try a hot oil treatment this weekend. I also still have that box of henna in my bathroom. I have been kind of scared to do the henna treatment because I am a messy person and I do not want to get henna all over my bathroom.
I'll update you on monday! Have a great weekend.