hair disasters

Hair styling attempt

Anyone that truly knows me in real life, knows that I should generally leave hair styling to the professionals. If it ain’t simple, it ain’t me. I am very creative, but when it comes to my hair sometimes, I. JUST. CAN’T. WIN.

But damn it all if I was going to let this stop me! No!  I was going to give it a go!

I started by watching this video:

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She is amazing with hair.

I figured “Hey! I know how to flat twist! I know how to two strand twist. Simple pimple right!?”

Um. No.

First off, my hair is not as long nor as thick as hers. So while her style was all thick and gorgeous, mine was thin.. and you could see parts of my scalp, making me look like I had bald spots. No bueno. The second thing I had issues with were these:

Yeah.. the bobby pins. They were awful. Whose hair is that thing going to hold!? They all came like that. Loose and just, not good. In my defense, I did not know this when I purchased them. Scunci just had two bundles of bobby pins in the package. They had a rubber band around each bundle, so you couldn’t tell that these things were simply useless pieces of metal .


But I persevered. These are the results:

Yeah.. not the greatest.

Things that I have learned from this:

  • I’m going to have to learn how to adjust hair styles to my hair. The flat twists on the side needed to be bigger and there needs to be a smaller amount of them.
  • I need to figure out how to get my hair sleeker.
  • I need to figure out how to part better (I was parting the best that I could, and then my hand cramped up and I was like, forget this.)
  • More than likely, it could have been better if my hair was stretched beforehand. So maybe I will band it next time, because I will be trying this again!

You live, you learn.

Tell me about your hair mishaps! Have you tried a hair style you saw somewhere and just completely missed the mark?

I’m a bum, feel free to flog me.

The Gift
Susan Boyle has more class than me..

I've left you guys hanging, and I am sorry. This is a really insane time of year right now. I just finished off an 11 page paper for school. It is a beauty. It is my personal ethics action plan. I have a test tonight and then I am done with the semester! YAY! 3 more semesters (approx) to go!

I'll be back next week with a review of products from Pooka Pure and Simple , a friend's hair crisis (I hope you guys can help, because I have no clue.), and just random goodies from me! I hope the holiday season is treating you well, love all your family! At least the family you love anyway.