
Let us try this again!

The winner of the Moroccanoil Treatment is Libby Logic! Woooo!

Use the contact me tab to send me the information to ship it to you!

Thanks everyone for playing!

Winner Of the Moroccanoil treatment

The winner of the Moroccanoil Hair Oil treatment is Brown Sugah!!!

Please email me at with your address so that I can ship this out to you!

Thank you everyone for playing. I hope to have more give aways in the near future.

Moroccanoil Series Post 2- Curl Control Cream

Author's Note: Moroccanoil was kind enough to supply me with samples.

When it came time for me to try the curl control cream by Moroccanoil I have to admit I was skeptical. My curls are not big wavy Taylor Swift curls. My curls are eensy weensy kinky curls. What could a curl control cream do for me?

Turns out, lots.

The description on the back states this: An advanced technology that offers intense conditioning and a curl memory factor that controls frizz for extended periods. Delivering exceptional movement to hair while enhancing natural curls and offering optimal hold. 

Optimal hold to me reminds me of the Rave hair spray that my mom used to put on my hair *cringe* My hair wouldn't move for ANYTHING. Still I decided to persevere and see what this could do.

The directions tell you to put a generous amount in your hair after shampooing and conditioning. Then it tells you to diffuse or let dry naturally. I never use a blow dryer on my hair, so I went ahead and let it dry like normal.

First thing I noticed was that the cream does not have the Rave mega hold stiff and sticky consistency. My hair was still touchably soft. I had my husband do the touchably soft  test. Then I noticed something else. After picking out my hair my curls had some semblance of definition. They looked like individual curls, not a grouping of kinky curls. I was impressed. My hair still felt moisturized throughout the day and not dried out like it had been for  the past few weeks.

I've noticed a difference in my hair since using these products. I asked my husband for confirmation and even he says it seems like my hair is growing. I enjoyed the curl control cream. It is nice, but it is not a necessary part of my beauty regimen. I think I would use it more if I were going out on the town, but it is not needed for every day use. 

Contest time

The lovely people at Moroccanoil have sent me an extra product to give away to my loyal readers. One person will be chosen at random to receive a brand new bottle of Moroccanoil oil treatment for all hair types. There are many ways to get many entries for the contest.

  • Sign up to follow this blog (one entry)
  • Follow me on twitter- mrsckugs (one entry)
  • "like" my page on facebook- (one entry)
  • comment on every entry within this blog (three entries)

You have a chance to enter the contest 6 times! I will end the contest on  the 16th. That gives you a week to get your entries in!

Hope to see some of the entries soon!

I know, Few days no posts

Sorry Guys. I have not been ignoring the blog. On the contrary; If you look around the site you will see some touches I have added. I have also been leaving messages on the facebook page ( as well as twitter (mrsckugs) I just went away for the holiday to see my fahhjahhh. in New York. He lives in a sleepy little town by the name of Canandaigua, NY. Lovely little place. A good times was had by all. I will be back tomorrow with a review of more Moroccanoil products and just to chit chat about my family and the talk that a few of us had about natural hair.

Moroccanoil Series Post 1

Editors Note: Moroccanoil was very kind in sending me samples of their products.

I have decided to post this as a series. There are several things that I have to try and I have not gotten through all of them yet.

It is generally a rare moment when I fall in love with a product, especially a hair product. Don’t get me wrong; I was ready to fall in love with anything hair related from Carol’s Daughters and was sorely disappointed.

When I read the information on Moroccanoil I was really impressed by them. You see, every single one of the products has Argan Oil in them. It’s really rare tree oil found only in certain parts of the world, mainly Morocco. Moroccanoil harvests their Argan Oil under a free trade program. It helps women and children in Morocco by improving working conditions, setting up schools and things like that. So by purchasing the product right off the bat you are helping your fellow man.

Shampoo and Conditioner

The first two products that I have tried were the Moisture Repair Shampoo and Moisture Repair Conditioner. They worked amazing with my hair. Usually after I shampoo and condition, I have to have some sort of leave-in conditioner in my hair right off the bat to be able to put a comb through my hair. Not so here. As soon as I got out of the shower I was able to gently comb through my curls. That is heaven in my world. My hair felt soft and manageable even before any other product went into my hair. LOVED IT. That was very exciting for me. Now both of these products say they are for chemically damaged hair. I think that if you are working with dual textures in your hair (you still have relaxed hair because you have not transitioned all the way into a full natural style, but have stopped getting relaxers) this would be a great go to shampoo and conditioner for you.

Intense Curl Cream

After I stopped marveling at how great my hair felt, I decided to apply the Intense Curl Cream to my hair. It is considered a leave-in conditioner. I applied one pump of the curl cream. It is thick and a little goes a long way. It wasn’t heavy but it left my hair feeling soft. There are no heavy perfumes either to compete with my perfume or my deodorant. I liked that. It absorbs quickly as well. I had my husband touch my hair and he was excited by the fact that it wasn’t greasy. When I first got my relaxed and damaged hair cut off my beautician told me that I would need a heavy leave-in conditioner. What she was saying was that I would need something that is non water based. I think I have found one that I completely LOVE in this Intense Curl Cream.

Glimmer Shine Spray

We all want our hair to have that healthy glow about it. A couple of sprays of the Glimmer Shine Spray and I had just that. It’s not a hair spray and it is not alcohol based. It is just a finishing spray that gives your hair a little bit of extra shine.

Another big thing that I want to share with you guys about these products that I have tried thus far. When I wake up in the morning, my hair is still soft! It’s not all crispy and dried out. My hair still feels moisturized without feeling greasy. So far I love Moroccanoil’s products. I have a couple more to review and then after I get done reviewing I plan on having a contest to give away a product from them. Stay tuned!