‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ Review: Sick People Are Worthy Too
This is the story of Quinzel watching Thor: Love and Thunder. Once you read past this point, there are spoilers. You have been warned.

I've been excited to see Thor: Love and Thunder for months. While I had hoped for even a glimpse of a Loki cameo, I did get some Loki references to placate me until the second season of Loki, so I was happy about that.
As I do with the Marvel movies before this one, I immediately set my notifications to OFF. I avoid looking up any information as much as possible beforehand as I love to be surprised.
By the time the trailers were released, I was well aware that Jane Foster would be wielding the hammer and be known as the Mighty Thor.
Jane being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer would hit me harder than most.

I've had relapse/remitting Multiple Sclerosis since 2016. While this disease is not fatal, it's absolutely life altering. You deal with pain, you live in hospitals, and you crave purpose. You crave having a meaningful life.
There was something about the "person has illness then gets superpowers" dynamic that hit differently for me this time. Often times, a person has an illness or near death experience. After that they somehow end up with superpowers and embrace an amazing new lifestyle and all of their previous physical struggles are solved in an instant. On top of that, they are immediately admired. Sometimes this power goes to their head. Remember Matt Smith's character in Morbius? Milo was permanently disabled as a child and teased relentlessly. But as soon as he has the chance to be abled, he wrecked havoc. He became the bully because to him, being a bully was being in the position of power. He fully embraced his new abilities but used it to harm others.

And then there was Jane Foster. As much as she wanted to have her life back, as soon as she had the ability of Thor, it wasn't being physically abled that made her feel complete. It was being able to bring those kids home. It was being able to care for others. And that's what made her worthy.
I think there are so many times as a disabled person I put my worthiness to the things I can physically do. But what if its the other things about me that leave the most monumental mark? What if its my heart, my compassion, my love for others, that makes me worthy?
Jane was worthy and it didn't erase her illness. She still struggled. She was still sick. And she was still worthy.
If you don't believe me, then check out that final end credit scene. It had me in tears honestly.
Watching Jane evolve throughout the movie was a lesson that I didn't know I needed to revisit. I had learned this in Avengers: Endgame but I definetly needed reminding. No matter what you go through, no matter what happens, and no matter how low your illness makes you feel, you are still worthy.

Did you like Thor: Love and Thunder? Do you feel like they portrayed sick people as being worthy well? Sound off in the comments.