
Wish List Friday

I swear this will be the last art post for a good while. I like this one, because a normal joe will think it's art, while a true nerd of Sleeping Beauty will know exactly what it is.



Wish List Friday

Still on the art kick, I seriously only have a Star Wars clock. It's depressing. This is gorgeous!!


Wish List Friday

While this is a wish, I am pretty sure I will be making these a reality very soon. I think they would look awesome together. If only the artist could do Jessica Drew.

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Wish List Friday

It's going to be art for a minute kids. I am seriously searching. I like this minimalist piece.


Wish List Friday

So I am on a hunt for art. I don't really have anything up in my apartment outside of a Star Wars clock. I have a Captain Marvel poster that is on deck as soon as I get a frame. I need more life in my life so to speak. This is pretty damn fantastic as well.


Wish List Friday

This would go over my couch so damn fast, it is not funny. This is truly badass! And you Comic Relief, you need to become my friend. I am in awe of your art.
