Dancing on my own
Super short episode today as Leslie has no interview.
Cat Colony Crisis trailer - https://uberstrategist.link/CatColoyCrisis-Announcement-TrailerYT
Super Seducer - https://uberstrategist.link/superseducer3-announce-trailer-YT
Preply tutoring - https://preply.com?pref=MjM4MTEzMA==
Youtube channel (Did you know you can listen to the podcast over there too!?) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucjUQPfS3HkoAlg9esCqcA
Send Quinzel a joyful message on Twitter: @QuinzeLee
Send us a hello:
Geeky Girls' Night In
PO Box 90232 Indianapolis, In. 46290
Special thanks to Michelle, Kim, and Beth for contributing to our Ko-Fi! If you would like to throw a dollar or two this way to keep the lights on (and the hosting going), consider donating to the Ko-fi. Ko-fi.com/geekygirlsni
Check out the writings of Quinzel and I at www.geekygirlguide.com