Kokomo in Florida is a lie!

Leslie is a little under the weather and slowly dying by pollen. Won't you join her in her snotty space?

Understanding the title of this episode: https://twitter.com/mrsckugs/status/1120087091344478214

I forgot to link to the game I talked about last week, so here it is: https://kotaku.com/the-heartache-of-a-video-game-that-makes-you-shred-real-1834050693

Quinzel's Cosplayer Convos series: https://geekygirlguide.com/cosplayer-convos-supporting-strong-friends-the-way-that-they-support-you/

Send Quinzel (or me!) a note or art for the dungeon!: PO Box 90232 Indianapolis, In. 46290

Would you like to buy me a coffee? Support my podcasting habits and learning? Go Here: Ko-fi.com/geekygirlsni



