A Special Man

For those who don't know, or are sort of blind to the picture to the right, I am Black. As a Black woman for all of my life I had relaxed hair. It's what I did, it is pretty much always what I did (except for that short time in elementary/middle school where I had a Jheri curl.. we don't talk about those days).

                                                          (I am sorry I don't have any up loaded decent shots of me natural. I will get to it I promise!)

My husband, being white, does not know much about African American hair care. Why should he? When we have kids I am sure it will be different.

However, he knows what he likes. He didn't like the fact that I never would let him touch my hair when it was relaxed. He would see women with Afros and natural hair and ask me why didn't I do that? It seemed to him it would be like less hassle and I would be running around a lot of times with my hair looking like I just got out of a windstorm.

I half listened to him because... I half listen to everyone.

My big chop came not as a statement, but as a necessity. I had my hair in micros and it just matted it all up. Ugh. I know a lot of spouses would not be supportive of their wife having natural hair. They prefer the smooth silkiness of relaxed hair. Not my husband. He couldn't be happier.

He loves touching and rubbing my hair. I think the happiest he ever was (Other than our wedding day, or when our tax return came) was when I told him that I was not going back to a relaxer.

Today is my husband's birthday. I love him a little more each and every day. I thank him for being the wonderful special man that he is. Happy Birthday Jeff, I love you!!!