Be Funny Friday- The Student ID Edition.

Family and Life in Las Vegas and Crazy About My Baybah are back with this weeks edition of the Bee Funny Friday Follow, because being funny is what it is all about!! We hope that you will join in the fun and post pictures and/or stories about something funny that happened during the week. Something fun to get the weekend started.

Here are a few simple guidelines we encourage you to follow:
1. We would love you to link up and post it the link on your blog.
2. Following the hosting blogs in the # 1 and # 2 spots in appreciated.
3. Post pictures and/or stories on your blog about something funny that happened during the week.
4. Put our Bee Funny button in your post to share the fun.
5. Visit as many blogs as you can, and let them know that you are there from Bee Funny Friday Follow. Follow the ones you like, and we are sure you will get follows back.
6. But most of all, Bee Funny! Because Beeing Funny is what it is all about!

Bee Funny is open to family friendly sites ONLY, all others will be deleted.

There are a couple of things that you need to know about me. I am messy. My desk right now, would scare the living day out of someone. It is littered with bottles, bags, lotions, potions, conditioners, cords, scrapbooking stuff, camera stuff, just everything. 

I am disorganized. In order for me to get stuff done, I need a list. That list has to state every single thing I need to do on a project, or shit gets scary. I've many a time woken up in a cold sweat at 3am in the morning, because I realized a project is due at 8am, and I forgot to write it down.. Meh. I am doing better with this though..I put everything in my outlook calendar and it syncs to my phone. 

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, so you will understand why the rest of this entry is so funny.

I lost my student ID. 

I don't really use my Jag Tag much.. just for food when I am on campus late, or for restaraunts downtown when me and the hubs go out. I keep at least 50 dollars on it per semester for that right there. 

My husband and I really wanted to go out to eat, but we didn't want to tinker with the budget, so I had the grand idea of going downtown and using my jag tag...
Couldn't find it. 

I tore my office apart, I tore the bedroom apart. Nothing. It couldn't be anywhere  else because the rest of the house is tidy. I worked hard to keep it tidy. In the end, we couldn't find it and I resigned myself to getting a new one.

I purchased a new one on Wednesday. Yesterday Jeff and I were catching up on Mad Men (If you do not watch this show.. please, go, now and rent it!! Love it!) and I was fiddling with stuff on the table... What is this!? Why.. it's my old student ID!! On the living room table.. Under the keyboard...ARGH!

I just sighed. What else can you do? LOL