Blue Apron – Product Review

I am the primary cook in our house. This is not a throw back to a time before feminism. When I have time, I enjoy cooking. A lot. It soothes me. There is also something very cool about taking a bunch of ingredients and turning them into something delicious.

I first heard of Blue Apron from a Facebook friend. A mutual friend of hers gave her a few weeks free from them. I happened to be on Twitter that day and Blue Apron was having a deal for a week of meals.  I went ahead and purchased them. What could it hurt?

Blue Apron Box

Opening the box

I specified to receive my box on Friday. I am off on Friday's and didn't have much to do that day. They informed me it would come at anytime between 8a-8p on that day.

When I got back from my hair appointment (*flips hair*) It was sitting in the shade near the garage. So I picked it up and brought it in.


Lovely Letter from Blue Apron

I opened the box and was impressed by the number of cooling agents that they had in there. Even if I had been a really long time, nothing was really going to suffer.


Opening the box


I chose a box with two servings of each meal. There is just me and my husband. We do not need a whole lot of food. Each meal comes with all of the things needed to make the amount of food you ordered and a recipe card that has colorful pictures.

The first recipe I decided to make was the Pan-Fried Orange Shrimp with Sauteed Scallions and Bok Choy over Jasmine Rice.

Ready!? Okay!?


Ingredients and recipe card

I pulled everything out that the recipe required and began my prep work on all of them.


Prepped Ingredients

Yeah, I don't have a bunch of fancy matching bowls. I was still classy.

The instructions were super easy to follow and had a picture for pretty much every step.

End Result


Everything turned out delicious. I did have a boatload of dishes to wash after, but that was only because I was being fancy and instead of piling prepped items on the chopping board like I normally do, I presented it in bowls.

So, Blue Apron Pros and Cons:


Not super expensive. It is about what we would pay for groceries for a week.

Easy well written instructions.

Everything is in the kit for use.

You don't get stuck in a food rut and this will give you a jump off point to actually mess around with the recipes if you so choose.


While we would spend this on groceries for a week, there are no snacks, and no leftovers for us, because I chose the two meal plan.

My cooking ambitions come in spurts. I may not want to cook three meals a week and that is the lowest you can get.

The way everything is packaged, it seems as if there is a lot of waste. I don't put all of my veggies that I purchase at the store in plastic bags, but this box does.

You may end up with some things you absolutely do not like. I hate beets, and my second week box included beets and beet pasta. *Gag*

Would I purchase this again? It honestly depends. I have to be in a mood to cook, and these are not fast meals to prepare.  On a lark, I had my husband prepare the meatball sub one. He hates cooking, but I came home from work and just kind of did a *wall slide* and wasn't moving. He started cooking as soon as I got home at 7pm, and it took until 8pm for everything to be ready. We honestly do not have that kind of time. During the week our food needs to be quick. With all of the fresh vegetables in the recipes, the food will not hold for longer than a week. By the time we got to the meatball subs, it was the end of the week and the cucumber for the salad was rotted.


If you give Blue Apron a try, let me know, I would love to know your thoughts!


I purchased two weeks worth of Blue Apron with my own doubloons. No one is sponsoring this post. Except me.