Hocus Pocus

Genre: Family

Director: Kenny Ortega

Screenplay: Mick Garris and Neil Cuthbert

Starring: Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, Sarah Jessica Parker, Omri Katz, and Thora Birch

Salem has a town legend of the three Sanderson Sisters. Max is just too concerned with being the new kid in town and trying to win the heart of the pretty girl in school, Allison, to ever believe in an old town legend. He soon finds himself face to face with the legends themselves. With the help of Allison and his little sister, Dani, Max has to find a way to stop the Sanderson sisters’ evil plot.

This is fun movie for the whole family. They put the hokey in the Hocus Pocus with this film. The story is really well done with this movie. It balanced the plot with humor and fun without being too campy. I also enjoy how the “scary” elements were handled. They were not too scary for a child and allowes a child to laugh at these elements. I also enjoyed that there was enough adult humor to allow the older crowd to still have fun with the film. This humor did not overwhelm the film, but allowed just enough balance to be enjoyable for everyone. These types of films that harness this balance usually do better than most family films.

I have always been a great fan of Bette Midler and even though her lip make-up in this film creeps me out a bit. She is an exceptional actress that can play a serious part to blow your mind, but when it comes to fun films, she has no problem having fun or making fun of herself. This is a quality that I love most in an actor. Actors that can flit with ease from movie to movie with a different style of their own will actually be the reason I go to a movie. The make me want to see a movie regardless how great or bad I’m told a film is. This is what Bette Midler did for this movie. The fact that she had a playful role sealed the deal for me.

I will admit that I am personally not a large fan of Sarah Jessica Parker. From what I’ve seen of her she really only seems to play one type of character. This would be fine if all of her characters fit into this type. This character was perfect for Sex and the City. It did not however work very well for Did you Hear About the Morgans? or Failure to Launch. Most of her roles tend to lean towards okay rather than excellent due to this. Hocus Pocus is probably my favorite of all of her movies. She seems to really relax in this film and just have fun. It is a quality that is extremely rare for her. She should take on this fun mantle a little more with her next projects. I would probably enjoy her a little more if she did.

I give this film 4 Buttery Kernals.

Coming Soon: Something Wicked This Way Comes