They are getting better.

My two strand twists are getting better. They are getting to the point where I would wear them outside without a hat. They looked better last night when I was doing them while watching Battlestar Galactica ( We are on season 2.5.. don't tell me ANYTHING). I have slept on them since then, and for some reason, I always get a couple of wonky twists after sleeping.

You see the one to the left? The one that is doing the little Schemer half curl (if you have never watched Thomas the Tank Engine with George Carlin,  you may not get that)? Those drive me crazy!
This is just me pulling down on them to show you how long they are.
My hair is getting longer people! Not as fast as I might like, but it is getting longer. The back of my hair is shoulder length. The entire time I was relaxed, my hair was NEVER shoulder length. I couldn't take care of relaxed hair. I wouldn't go get relaxers when it was time. My hair would ALWAYS break off. My hair, on a good month/year would hit earlobe length. 
I really really want enough hair to do a bun. Who knows, maybe if I stretch out my hair, I might have enough hair to do a bun. I don't know. I will have to check out some youtube vids on it. Do you guys have any bun tutorial reccommendations?
Stay tuned this week, I will be having a giveaway for a beautiful hair time from Sarenzo's Beads, and a couple of other goodies!