Things that I want to do to my natural hair.

These are things that I have not done yet, but will get around to:

  1. Braid out - I was reading an article over at Black Girl Long Hair that explained how easy a braid out could be! I am thinking after my shower tonight I am going to give this a whirl. 
  2. Banding- I keep saying I am going to do this, but life gets in the way. 
  3. Two Strand twists- After watching one girl do ONE twist on Youtube, I might leave this to the professionals and head to my beautician.
  4. Plopping- This is a new one that I had never heard of until about two weeks ago. Watch a Youtube vid here
  5. Henna- This is the big mama jamma. I am busy and tired.. This is like a weekend project. 
  6. Twistouts- Which could be done after the two strand twists