Curing The Rona Blahness

One of the things that I find myself doing during all of this #cornteen is writing postcards to my friends. I love getting mail that isn't bills. A friend of mine and I started exchanging postcards infrequently a couple years ago. I'll send a few throughout the year, and every time I go on vacation I make sure to send her one from each area I am at that allows me to. I have roped Quinzel on this as well and send her postcards from all over.

A long time ago I belonged to a website called InterPals. I decided to see if I was still a member and I am! I found someone to write to and will be sending her letters soon. I had penpals all throughout high school. Normally they were in France as I was taking French. I enjoy writing letters. I also enjoy collecting stationary. This is a way to get a use out of the stationery. I recently bought some stationery on etsy and if follow us on Instagram, you would have saw me mention it in the instastories.

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I needed some #stationery to write pen friends!

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Stationery is paper. Stationary is stay still.

This is just one of the many things I do to try and keep a positive outlook. What about you? What are you doing to try and curb your blahness?