I haven't had the winner of the contest contact me yet. I will give her until the end of this week, and then I will choose someone else.
Want to get in the game? Go back a few entries and read about the contest!
Last week I left a brief post about “pre-pooing” or pre shampooing your hair. Before I went natural, I had never heard of such a phenomenon. I thought I would talk about it a little bit today.
Generally a pre-shampooing treatment is some sort of oil (like olive oil for example) used on the hair before shampooing or co-washing. It didn’t make sense to me at first because I thought “Why am I putting something in my hair that is immediately going to wash out?” Then I did a little research. put it best: It protects your hair from drying out during the shampooing process. If you think about it, what are you actually shampooing? You are shampooing your scalp, not your hair really. It’s protecting your hair from the harsh drying chemicals in shampoo. They also make the point that natural curly hair kind of works like a sponge.
Think about the sponge you get from the supermarket. Go home and try to clean stuff with it straight off the bat. It’s not going to work well is it? Why? Because, sponges have to be moistened; it is sort of the same with our hair. Conditioner will be absorbed more in the hair if you pre-poo.
Lately I have been pre-pooing using Moroccanoil’s Oil Treatment. I pre-poo my hair at night, and in the morning I take my shower and wash. Moroccanoil’s Treatment is thick, and a little bit does my whole head of hair. I wrap my hair up at night. I’ve been feeling a difference. My hair is softer and more manageable.
I do not pre-poo everyday. I don’t have time for it, sometimes I forget. But I do notice a difference when I do. So once again I ask you, do you pre-poo?