Bummer of a weekend
For those that do not know, this weekend was my birthday. I am a generally excitable person, but you wouldn't have been able to tell by this weekend.
I have grown up always believing that birthdays were your special day. Everyone around you should put forth an effort to make you feel special. Well, I am not speaking to my mom or brother, so that was out, A lot of my friends, don't really live close and have their own lives and kids to take care of, so that left my husband.
We agreed that both of our birthday present money will be combined (his birthday is in June) and we will purchase a new bedroom set sometime soon. So I wasn't really expecting a present. But a card, or a cake? Is that too much trouble to ask?
We did go out to dinner. I've been swamped with schoolwork, and while I wanted to try to do flat twists in my hair the night before, I just didn't have the time. That day I just showered, fluffed out my afro, and clipped a flower to my headband as usual. I didn't even have time to put makeup on because we were running late for our reservation.
Fogo De Chao is the business people! If you haven't tried it, and you aren't vegan, please go! If you are vegan, it is more than likely your own personal hell, so I advise you stay away. It is pricey, so it is a special type thing. Jeff and I didn't even have a bottle of wine, and our bill was $100.
I just feel, empty inside. I didn't get a card, and though plenty of people wished me happy birthday on Facebook , I just feel like that is a quick generic thing that you don't have to put any thought into.
I decided to pamper myself yesterday since no one else was going to do it. I went and got a manicure and pedicure (first time in a LOOOONG time), and I got my eyebrows arched. I keep my nails really short because I work with a computer constantly, but they are frequently jagged and uneven, so this was nice. My poor toes though.. they were scary. I gave the woman a really good tip after she got done working with them. I haven't been to get my eyebrows arched in a while. I normally get them threaded when I do get them done because it is inexpensive. However, it is really painful for me, especially when they get to the end of the eyebrow for some reason. I feel like I am going to throw up from the pain. After they get done and show me, the hairless area is red and swollen. It goes down after a while, but I am always just dreading getting them done. Waxing is usually 10 dollars more than what I pay to get them threaded. However, the place that did them yesterday charges just the same as a threading, and they use wax. I will be going back to them perminately. The woman that did them was so cute, she was tiny and pregnant and is due in like 2 weeks.
After I got that done, I took a good look in the mirror at home. I realized that I have been depending on people to make me happy for so long, I forgot how to make myself happy. No more of that. I have decided to do what I need to do to make myself happy as long as it doesn't hurt anyone in the process.
Before I go, I wanted to share a song again with you guys. I am thinking of doing song of the week. It will force me to look at new music and maybe find some things I normally wouldn't listen to. The song of this week is "Valerie" By Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse. I originally heard the song on Glee, and wanted to hear the orginal. I do enjoy the original more.
You can see the video for it here:
Yeah, I have no clue about the rap at the beginning. Kind of random, but whatever.
A rough couple of weeks.
Hey guys.
The past two weeks have been absolute HELL. Filled with school work and more school work. I am weary, the house is a wreck and my writing has slacked. I apologize.
Because of the weather and snow outside, I have pretty much been wearing my hair in two strand twists under a beret. It is really cute. I really like how it looks. I pop in either some dangly earrings or some hoop earrings and VOILA! Instant style.
I was watching some older videos and ran across this long forgotten Musiq Soulchild video:
I just want to say, I LOVE the main girl's hair style. Does anyone know what that is called? *jealous*
In more annoying news, just today I posted this on both my Facebook page, and The Tale of Going Natural Facebook page:
The comment that I put to it was this: "Let's start this weekend off right, shall we?"
Shortly after I posted it to my personal Facebook page. I get a comment from a girl I went to high school with:
I am not my hair? Really? Jeez. My favorite part is when Akon states '...the sex only come when I cut it all off.' Obviously, these artists have nothing more important to say. This is sad, and it really goes to show how superficial, ego-centric, and avoidant popular culture is. 🙁
I just looked at the comment. How can someone be so blind, or stupid? I responded with:
In black culture, we are often told that unless our hair is straighened, you have nappy, knotty slave hair. We tend to be a culture obsessed with our hair. The African American hair industry is a booming business. What she is stating in this video is that we do need to worry less about our hair, and more about the person within. It's not a sad ego-centric video. It's attempting to bring a positive message to an issue a lot of black women (and men) deal with.
I don't know if it is Facebook messing up, or if she deleted the comment, but sometimes you can see her comment now, sometimes you can't. A lot of her posts are pretty much retarded, and I am seriously considering deleting her from my list. It isn't like we talk. We didn't even really talk in high school. She was weird then too.
She just responded again, but I am not even going to waste my time on it. *bangs head on the table*
A lot of time has been spent on twitter when I am on the computer researching or writing or programming. Can I just say that I love the natural hair hashtag (#naturalhair). It is a great group of people with different videos, ideas, advice, and questions. Sometimes it does get a little militant on there with the natural hair v. relaxed hair, but for the most part, they are pretty cool.
I still have not henna glossed my hair. I am really too busy right now and I am not entirely sure what type of conditioner I can use to mix it up. The instructions say to use a no protein conditioner. Well....other than the back of the bottle saying protein, I have no clue what other words are considered protein. If anyone has any ideas on that, please, do not hesitate to let me know.
In between times that I take my hair out of the twists, co-wash and then re-twist them, they get dry. Another girl on twitter was having this same issue and didn't know what to do. My solution is inexpensive and easy. put olive oil and warm water (who wants cold water?) in a spray bottle and shake. Mist it lightly over your head. I don't have any measurements, I am sorry, but generally speaking I do equal parts of each. When I am in the shower, I bring the spray bottle in there with me, and let the hot water run all over it, heating the cold water up (I put enough for more than one application in a spray bottle so it will cool down after a few minutes or so). Two things I can't stand: Water running down the back of my neck (which is weird because I love to swim) and cold water running down the back of my neck. Warm water is the lesser of the two evils.
Okay, so that is enough babbling for right now. My goals today are to clean the house and get back to programming, database design, and math (my arch enemy).
Oh! One more thing. Book Recommendation of the day:
Be Yourself, Be Beautiful
First off, I hope everyone had a joyous and happy Thanksgiving. My was wonderful.
Yesterday caught me looking adorable. My hair was poofed, I had on a cute top, skinny jeans and my Uggs. I felt great and I knew I looked good. Yesterday's holiday was spent at the in-laws, so I just talked to my family on the phone. When talking to my mom I told her how adorable I looked, and she just laughed and told me I was silly.
You see this a lot with people. They don't compliment themselves, they wait for someone to validate their adorableness. Thing is, I don't need that. I know when I am cute. I also know when I look a hot mess (like, uh, right now lol). I don't need anyone to tell me how cute I look. Yes, it is nice that you have noticed that I look good, and thank you for the compliment. But I don't dress nice just to please you. I dress nice because I feel good dressing up.
So, all of you out there, who are looking flyy, being yourself, being smexy, and just feeling great. Tell yourself you are adorable. Make sure you mean it. Love you. Love being you!
Torrid is messing with my emotions
Torrid just posted on facebook and on twitter that their clearance is an additional 50% off. It is not! Driving me insane!!!