The Day of the Whovians
This past Monday I had the pleasure of enjoying The Day of the Doctor amongst fellow fans on the big screen. The 50th anniversary special, which had been previously aired on television the weekend before to those with the ability to watch it, was presented to fans in 3D for a one night showing through Fathom Events. The special not only gave fans another run with the 11th Doctor played by Matt Smith, but fan favorite, David Tennant, returned to reprise his role as the 10th Doctor. The great John Hurt also joined the cast for the special to play a version of the Doctor that has never been shown before, but talked of greatly. It is this version of the Doctor that collides the worlds of the 10th and the 11th incarnations.
I do not wish to reveal the story of this special to the fans that have yet to see it, but to those fans, get ready to have one of the most talked about and changing moments of the Doctor’s life finally told in full detail. I am personally not as familiar with the original series as I am with the current one, but in consideration of the new series, this is the full story of a personal conflict in the Doctor’s life that has continued to dictate his choices in the most current of episodes.
What would make watching the fantastic special better? Watching it with fellow fans in a large room does not hurt at all. There were plenty of people sporting various Doctor Who shirts, which I have to admit I am pretty sad I do not as of yet own one. More serious fans came dressed as their favorite incarnation of the doctor, which ranged back to the Tom Baker era and some even sported the iconic fez in honor of the 11th Doctor. My personal favorite was the fans that brought along their sonic screwdrivers. They were kind enough to lend their aid by pointing them at the screen in order to help out the early technically difficulties the theater was experiencing at beginning of the screening. Whether they truly helped or not, the thought was what mattered.
When the go time happened, we were treated with a specialized service announcement about proper behavior in a theater taught to us by one of the fans favorite aliens, Commander Strax. We were shown how easy it was for he and his clones to follow the simple rules of approved theater etiquette, and what tortures would await us if we did not. After this we were greeted by the current 11th Doctor welcoming us to the anniversary special and slightly confusing the exact anniversary, but he wouldn’t be the Doctor if he did not. We were then asked to put on our 3D glasses and believed the show was about to start when we received an early greeting by the 10th Doctor. As much as I have warmed up to and enjoy Matt Smith’s Doctor, Mr. Tennant will always be mine. His appearance was greeted by cheers by those fans particularly partial to number 10. I will admit to cheering as well. It was a sad day when Tennant left the show, and to see him back in that striped suit practically unchanged was fantastic. After the show, fans got a special treat of the behind the scenes featurette of the making of the special.
There was clearly a focus on the newer series and the events since its comeback in 2005, but the older series was not forgotten. As much as I would have enjoyed watching this special from the comfort of my couch, the scenes in which all 50 years of Doctors were highlight held a stronger presence on the big screen. My very personal favorite scene was at the end where this point is not only focused upon but very clearly made.
I am glad to have had the opportunity to share the theater with fellow fans making this one of the best Doctor Who experiences I will ever have. Since I have tried not to spoiler any of special for you, I am not left with much else to say about it. If you are truly a Whovian or just someone that enjoys the show, please check it out when you get the chance. It is worth it.
Last Vegas
After losing a friend, Billy has made the decision to enjoy the life he has and marry his girlfriend. No event would be complete without his three best friends. Getting the gang back together for the Vegas wedding proved some challenges, but the men are determined to live it up and give Billy the time of his life.
This film brings together the old and young for a delightful ride that all ages can enjoy. The chemistry between the leads, Michael Douglas, Robert DeNiro, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Klein, shine through, portraying a friendship that most wish to have in their lifetime. This friendship is the heart and soul of the film.
It shows the strength one can find when those most trusted are around for help and support. Even the pain and heartache of a betrayal by a friend is shown. Paddy and Billy were not on good terms in the beginning of the film, but because of this strong and long lasting friendship, Paddy was able to finally embrace his friend. It shows that true friendship has challenges, but these trials only strengthen the relationship in the end. It happens to all close friendships. How we deal with these obstacles makes us stronger. Paddy may have been very angry and hurt because Billy let him down at one of the most important moments of his life, but he had yet to understand just how much the same moment hurt Billy.
This friendship elevates into family. It is the same type of friendship that I have with my closest friends. We currently live far apart from one another, but as soon as we talk on phone or see each other it seems like we were never apart. We all can get upset at one another then shake it off just as easily. That’s family. I can only hope that we can still be as close as these men when we get to their age.
This is a short review, but I don’t want to spoil anything for those who intend to see it. It is a simple and very fun movie made to entertain and amuse. If you’re looking for something fun then check this one out. This film shows us that you are never too old to have fun, and not to allow anyone limit you because your age.
I hope Mary Shelley comes back from the dead and punches someone.
I need to tell you a story.
Many years ago when I was a junior in high school, we were tasked with the reading of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Our teacher (HEY MRS. STOKESBERRY!!!) being the awesome person that she was, showed us the movie as well.
Dear reader, I don't do well with horror flicks. I have an overactive imagination, and incredibly vivid dreams. These can sometimes turn into vivid nightmares. The three weeks we spent with this book and movie, I don't think I got a full night's sleep. The version of Frankenstein we watched was the 1996 version with Robert De Niro.
I feel like he captured the pure essence of Frankenstein's monster.
Imagine my shock (Not really, they are remaking everything) when I go to the movies a couple weeks ago and find out there is a new Frankenstein movie coming out called "I, Frankenstein." Imagine my utter dismay when I found out Frankenstein now looks like this:
(From the website
I apologize right now for everything I am about to say, because I am going to go into a rant. When I saw this on the screen at the movies, I was whipped into such a frenzy that the woman next to me moved, terrified at what I was going to do next.
Look, I realize that this movie is based off a graphic novel. However, you kept the spirit of Mary Shelley. The monster was created.
This Frankenstein looks like they hacked up the torso of Hugh Jackman, put some scars on it for effect, and said "Done!"
Look here Hollywood. Mary Shelley did not go through everything she did in life to get that book published for you to come along and sex it up. I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!
What the hell happened to the creature that tormented my dreams?
My husband does not understand my unusual rantings about this book/movie. Hollywood WILL NOT turn this into some Twilight franchise. NO.
Now, if you need me, I will be rocking in the corner. I swear on everything that's holy, if this Frankenstein sparkles, I will punch the nearest person in the face.
Thorsday, When I Lay My Hammer Down.
Last week I got to go see my favorite Norse God on the big screen. It is the story of my people. No not really. My Swedish mother just shakes her head at me and lets me know that I'm crazy. Aliens, Gods, it’s all the same. If you haven’t had a chance to see this next installment in the story of this thunder God, check out my review from Our Knight Life and head to the nearest theater.
Our favorite hammer wielding superhero is back. Marvel Studios phase two may have rolled out with Iron Man 3 first, but Thor certainly doesn’t plan on being satisfied with second place. He seems to prefer to stand by his mechanical suited friend rather than behind him. One thing is for sure, a lot has happened since Thor first appeared on the big screen back in 2011.
We last saw Thor fighting alongside the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, and the Hulk, being brought back to Midgard to stop his brother, Loki, from destroying the realm he has grown to love. Luck was on the gathered Avengers’ side, and they prevailed over the alien attack to save New York and the rest of Midgard. Unfortunately, Thor’s last trip to our realm kept him quite busy and with no time to visit old friends, namely Jane Foster.
Jane has continued to drive her research towards finding the god she gave her heart to, which has now brought her to London. Stuck in-between finally facing the reality that Thor will never return or keep grasping at the fleeting hope that the next spike in her readings will give her that which she so desperately seeks, she takes a final reluctant chance to search out a scientific anomaly. A chance that will lead her right back to one she sought out for so long, but will the price be worth it?
Thor has been striving to bring balance back to the nine realms after rebuilding the Bifrost Bridge and ending the chaos that Loki caused with its destruction. The task has led to many battles and time that continues to add up, keeping him from where his heart truly belongs. Shaping into a king that Asgard truly deserves, Thor is finding it hard to choose between his people and his heart. Now an ancient darkness long thought dead has resurfaced, threatening Asgard and maybe even Jane, forcing Thor to make a choice, a hard one at that.
Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, and Tom Hiddleston return in the second installment of Thor’s story, Thor: The Dark World. This film is a perfect balance of action, drama, romance, and comedy, ensuring it will be a favorite of the Marvel movies. This time around we get to spend a little more time in Asgard, seeing the world that Thor and Loki know best. The beauty and art that delighted fans from the first film is extended in an awe aspiring visage that further embellishes and defines the exquisiteness of all that Asgard offers.
The movie takes place after The Avengers in the Marvel Studios timeline. While it touches on some of the situations left after that film, such as what is to be done with Loki now that he has been taken prisoner or the general wellbeing of Dr. Erik Selvig, the main focus is a continuation of what the first Thor movie left at its end. The Bifrost Bridge needs to be dealt with, along with Thor’s relationship with both his Asgard home and his Midgard heart. Favorite characters beyond Thor, Jane, and Loki return in this film. The Warriors Three and SIf continue to aid their royal friend in helping maintain balance. Dr. Erik Selvig has served a hard transition from his possession in The Avengers, and our favorite intern, Darcy, has returned to offer comic relief once again.
While the movie may not be appropriate for the youngest of audiences, anyone older than thirteen should be fine with seeing this film. Anyone younger is up to parental discretion. There is enough violent situations for this concern, but much like the first film, the violence is limited in comparison to the other Marvel movies.
This is a must see for all superhero and Marvel fans alike. Prepare to be entertained, because this Norse God will bring the thunder to keep you in your seat.
Amuck, Amuck, Amuck.
It is that time of the year where my ringtone gets changed to Dead Man’s Party by Oingo Boing. The Hocus Pocus dvd gets put on while I dig out my Buffy Halloween episodes to watch immediately after. Throw in various horror movies and my month is set. My personal traditions have changed over the years, trading in the lighter, cuter fair for a something a bit more twisted. This is a little sampling of the growth of my traditions throughout the years for one of my favorite holidays. Whether it be enjoying favorite movies, dressing up, or carving pumpkins, this season has always offered fun and great memories for me.
I was fortunate enough to have a mother who made my costumes growing up. I may not have always been appreciative of this when I was younger, begging for one of those horrible plastic trash bags with a mask that not only blinded you for the night but greatly limited your oxygen intake. A girl just wanted to be She-Ra, I guess. She’s made me many things over the years. As I said in my last post I went as Batman when I was five. It started because I had a black Batman t-shirt with just the emblem on it that I loved. My mom went out and bought a basic black mask and some black material and fashioned a Batman mask with a flowing cape connected in the back. It was pretty sweet, but that was how awesome my mom was. One of my favorite costumes she ever made was Pippi Longstocking. She even made the wig. Unfortunately, due to a hit of sickness, I didn’t get to go out that year, but wore it at home snuggled on the couch watching the Halloween specials on television as I recuperated. If I ever have kids someday, I hope I can do as much for them, but I think I may need to go a couple more rounds with a sewing machine first, because the last time we had a challenge the machine won. It’s definitely a goal to learn to sew better. I can mend, but I’ve never taken on the challenge of a full project before.
Trick or treating was an interesting affair growing up, as well. Living next to cornfields, there wasn’t necessarily a lot of traffic coming your way or anywhere for you to really go. That meant we had to make the trek into town, which not only meant legit trick or treating but a parade. I eagerly joined in the menagerie of monsters and fairy princesses as we proudly marched our bedazzled and ghoulish visages down the street for all of my small hometown to see. When we came to the end, we were released upon the houses to gather our bounty of sugary confectionaries and numerous cheap plastic toys that we didn’t mind getting year after year. This was happiness as a child. Eventually we got too old to trick or treat which meant I hardly saw any, because no one came out to our house, not that I blame them for not wanting to travel to the middle of nowhere
During high school, I would dress up on Halloween for the school festivities. One year, I went as Buffy. Shocking, I am aware. I remember working hard on making a stake from real wood to go with my outfit, also ensuring the end remained blunt to not cause injury. I am a nerd, so there is always a level of perfection taken when entering such endeavors. However, being the good little girl that I was, I immediately marched down to the high school administration office to check on whether my newly made stake would be considered appropriate enough to keep with me while on school grounds. Yeeeeah, it got confiscated as a potential risk. I was patted on the head for using good enough judgment to ask, then sent off to first period. I was pretty bummed, but I got it. Unfortunately, that kind of bummed me out for dressing up for a while. I would rarely do it after that until I graduated from college.
Since I wasn’t really into dressing up anymore when I hit college, my friends and I started a new tradition, and a silly one at that. Usually we would go to whatever preferred horror movie that was out in the theaters. The other thing that we did was look up some haunted place in the area and try to go find it. Unfortunately we never found any of the places that these road trips were intended for, but the drives were usually a blast. I loved hanging out with my friends and catching up, and they loved hanging out with me and doing whatever they felt could possibly annoy or irritate me, like rolling open the side door of my car as we drove sixty miles an hour down the highway. It wasn’t exactly dangerous, because there was a special catch in the track that allowed the door to be opened while driving for extra ventilation. It probably wasn’t recommended when traveling at the speeds we were. Thankfully, we are all still alive, and I did not murder them in the process. We no longer go on our trips anymore, mostly because we are pretty spread out across the country. I personally don’t want to, because I think the potential for getting any citation from the local law enforcement concerning these activities isn’t exactly classy at our age. I do wish we found that haunted cheese factory, though. It’s the one that got away.
Now, I mostly just watch movies and enjoy the youngsters trick or treating coming to the door. I have a tier system when giving out candy. Everybody gets something, but if they come as one of my favorite characters or in something extremely awesome, extra candy will be given. Extra is always given out to those dressed as Sleeping Beauty, Stitch, Star Wars characters, Thor, and various others of my favorite marvel characters. I am still waiting for some precious child with extraordinary parents to come to my door dressed as either She-Ra or Jem. I will just hand them the bowl and call it a night.
I am sure that there are other people out there that enjoy the holiday as much I do. I would love to read about some of your traditions whether it be decorating, baking, or anything else fun like that. This is a safe place to divulge what you love, so feel free. Thanks for reading!
Camping…Geeky Style.
Those that know me, know that I am.. a bit of a prissy person. That’s a lie. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a LOT of a prissy person. A year or so ago, my husband broached the subject of camping. Apparently him and his family did it a lot growing up. This was new to me. My family’s idea of a vacation growing up was a theme park close to home. I was interested in this thing he called “camping.”
Imagine my prissy surprise, when I found out about tents, and PUBLIC BATHROOMS! Pretty much anyone will tell you that my worst fear, other than spiders, are public bathrooms. I always end up in one where someone is making weird noises in another stall. I can’t take it.
If we were going to go camping, we had to do it my way. We rented a cabin in a campground (with a private bathroom) and it was great. I had a great time. We made fire, had s’mores, cooked out, and just relaxed.
A year later it was vacation time again. I booked another cabin in a different part of our state. It was in the middle of nowhere with questionable cell service. We drive two hours to this campsite, to have no one greet us when we get there. No one to check us in, and no one to give us keys to the cabin. To say I was livid was an understatement.
On the way down, my husband noticed a campground he went to as a child, and recommended that we go there for the night, and see if we can get in touch with someone the next day.
We pull into Starve Hollow State Park, and was able to book a couple of nights in a cabin. I didn’t pay attention to the woman checking us in, until she said “comfort station.” Ladies and gentlemen of the geekies, a comfort station is another word for public restrooms and showers.
*Cue minor freakout*
We had to head back into town, because the cabin has a bed frame, but no mattresses. We needed a blow up mattress, and some other essentials. We also ate in town, because it was getting so late.
We get back to the cabin, and I decide to check out the comfort station. All I could think was nasty filthy public restrooms. Imagine my surprise!
These restrooms were probably cleaner than mine at home! I had no problems with them at all. The rest of our (brief) vacation was fun. I tried my hand at campfire cooking.
And made a pretty good (if I do say so myself) chicken and noodles
We ate this with this gorgeous view
After this trip, I feel like I could handle pretty much anything camping wise. I even made a little friend! His name is Gloomy.
We are thinking of taking another quick camping trip soon. I am so looking forward to it. We both are. We both enjoy camping so much that for our 5th wedding anniversary, we are thinking of purchasing an RV, for jaunts like this. I want an Airstream (completely out of our price range), my husband on the other hand, has his heart set on an RV like the one from Breaking Bad. I just arch my eyebrow at him and gave him severe side-eye.
No matter what we do, I am totally excited. Who knew the great outdoors could be so much fun?
When I first went Natural
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Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy Christmas!
Summer Switch up.
With the heat being as unbearable as it has been all summer, I quickly found out that my normal routine was not working. I used to be able to wash-n-go freely. Not really the case right now. Plus, the shea butter mixture from Belle Butters that I use on my hair was becoming to heavy. Right now my routine is as follows (if I don’t have any products that I am trying out):
Co-wash with whatever conditioner I am on (Wash hair once every two weeks)
Detangle while still damp
Moisturize with a combo of Ori Organics leave in condition and Kiah Alexandria leave in conditioner.
Two strand twist
Leave two strand twisted until I have some place to go.
Do you have to do anything different to your hair when the seasons change? Also, How are you beating the heat?
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Title: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Genre: Action/Adventure
Director: Rob Marshall
Screenplay: Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio
Starring: Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Geoffrey Rush, and Ian McShane
Captain Jack Sparrow is back and finding what he does best, trouble. His newest adventure finds him at the mercy of the infamous Blackbeard and dragged along on a quest for the Fountain of Youth. Though Blackbeard’s mystical powers and preferred zombie henchmen might be the obvious choice to keep poor Jack on his toes, it is Blackbeard’s beautiful daughter, Angelica, who is the main cause of his concern. Jack leads this gang of unlikely allies to the fountain facing dangers like mermaids that have a deadly taste for man and the British Empire being captained by old foe Captain Barbossa. How will Jack make it through his latest adventure alive? By doing what he always does, improvise.
Everything you could possible love about the Pirates series is back and just as entertaining. I don’t think I will ever getting tired Jack Sparrow and his comedic frolics. With all the trouble Jack seems to find himself in the middle of time and time again, he seems to still have so much fun that the idea of becoming a pirate is very appealing.
I did have a couple of concerns about the new movie before I saw it. One, how could the story possible hold up against the last three films? And, two, how could this film be as good without character favorites, Elizabeth and Will? The last two films seemed determined to one-up the previous with bigger effects and an even more massive plot. The idea of the fountain quest seemed intriguing, but I wasn’t so sure that it could compare to the rest of the series. I was pleasantly surprised that I liked the more compact adventure the quest for the fountain was. There was no need to scour every inch of the world meeting danger upon danger. This film achieved focus much like the original film and stuck to it. As for the second concern, I am personally a fan of Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, but their characters story had such a satisfying ending from the last film that they just were not missed. With the story having such a specific focus it would be hard to fit Will Turner and his own ship of souls into the plot. Of course, I have also come to the conclusion that it doesn’t really matter who is in the film as long as Captain Jack is present.
This film is fun and highly entertaining. Whether you’re being mesmerized by action and effects of the film or laughing at the antics and dialogue, you will definitely not regret seeing this movie. I recommend spicing up your Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides experience by seeing the film in 3D.
I give this film 5 Buttery Kernals.